Tree Protection During Construction

Wherever trees are located near people or property therein lays risk, although relatively low. Proper inspection of trees can identify tree defects to assess risk potential, and recommended treatments that can reduce risk and improve stability, enabling you to get the most enjoyment and benefits of your trees. Very old trees especially can appear healthy with almost no signs of internal decay or structural problems, which can result in unexpected failure.

Tree Risk Assessment by Arbor Essence

Tree risk assessment, as provided by Arbor Essence, is a systematic process that reviews risk factors and ranks them into categories. The highest risk category represents trees considered to be hazardous. Not all trees are hazardous at any one point in time. Risk assessment examines the whole tree, or a part of it. It is only undertaken when there is a target present that may suffer damage or injury if the tree or tree part were to fail.

The most effective way to protect ones landscape investment is to involve a qualified experienced arborist from the planning to maintenance stages of all projects. This is where the genuine care and expertise of Arbor Essence comes in.

Have a project you’d like to discuss? Contact Arbor Essence today at (310) 592-1104 or use form below.

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